Smethwick Old Church

Part of the Church of England


At a time when churches remain closed, we would welcome any donation you might like to make to support the work of Old Church. Thank you for your help in these difficult times.

Old Church has and will be developing ways of keeping in touch, thinking particularly of those who through self-isolation or otherwise will need help with shopping, medications and the like. This will be coordinated with members of the Pastoral Care Team, the Pastoral Visiting Team and others in the congregation. If you would like to receive help, please ring one of those listed below,

The Reverend Deb Buckley: 0121 558 1763/07410 176378

Jean Martin, Churchwarden: 0121 554 2731

Gill Gould, Parish Administrator: 07824 368584

There is an Old Church WhatsApp site for those who would like to share thoughts over the next months. If you would like to join the site, the easiest way would be to send a message that includes your mobile number to, Paul Martin: 07785 995489 or

You can find the details of our regular Zoom services by looking on the News page.

Smethwick Old Church, The Uplands, Smethwick, B67 6EQ.          Telephone: 0121 558 1763          Site contents © Smethwick Old Church 2018